Baby Shower Bouquet


Happy New Year Everyone!!!

For my first how-to of 2019, here's a great alternative to a traditional bunch of flowers for a baby shower - one made of baby clothes!

For this craft, you will need:

  • A selection of baby clothes/accessories

  • Some fake greenery

  • Cellophane

  • Tissue Paper

  • Ribbon

  • Thick gardening wire


How to make a Baby Shower Bouquet

To start with, you'll need to roll your clothing into 'rose' shapes. The method for this will depend on what item we're working with, but essentially firstly you'll want to fold the piece of clothing lengthwise into a slim shape:

Once you have this folded, roll the item to create a 'rose' shape - again this will vary depending on what type of clothing you're using, but flowers come in all shapes and sizes so don't worry too much about making them all look identical!

Once you've created this shape, twist the top of a length of the gardening wire around the base of the 'flower' to secure it in place, leaving some length to form the stem.


Repeat this for each of your pieces of clothing, the more pieces you make the bigger your bouquet will be!


Now that your flowers are all ready, lay out two sheets of tissue paper folded as you see in the picture below, and place on top some fake greenery.

Next, place your flowers on the tissue paper, and work the greenery between them.

Once you're satisfied with how your flowers and greenery are arranged, roll your bouquet, securing with double-sided tape.

Finally, wrap the bouquet with cellophane and secure with ribbon.

The great thing about this DIY is that you can get creative with the different materials that you use - for example rather than cellophane you could wrap your bouquet with a baby blanket or muslin, you could use real greenery or include small toys in the bouquet!

Emily Made That!